The purpose of the request from Robert Bosch would be to move slots from one section to a different section, so that the section would print labels from a different printer. Robert Bosch will supply the slots that they wish to move to different sections. The slot names will not change.
Example ticket - TS-00382767
There are two database tables involved in the change
- loc_slot (update section number for slots)
- loc_section (update count of lights per section, based off of loc_slot)
Here are the general steps needed to make this change
Preparation of import file
1) backup loc_slot and loc_section table
2) unload section(s) from the loc_slot table that are to be changed
Example: unload to new_loc_slot_200.unl select * from loc_slot where slot_name like "200-%" and section = 100 order by slot_name;
3) modify loc_slot unload file with desired section changes
Installation of import file
These steps are for an example of section 100 slots being moved to section 151:
1) Ensure that sections to be modified are picked clean
2) go to directory where the import file is located, then log into the database
cd ~support/slai; dbaccess $DB_SQL -
3) delete rows from loc_slot table:
delete from loc_slot where section = 100 and slot_name like "200-%";
4) Insert records
load from new_loc_slot_200.unl insert into loc_slot;
5) Find updated count of devices in sections 100
select count(*) from loc_slot where section = 100;
(note down value. This is the number of devices in section 100 after the update)
6) Find updated count of devices in sections 151
select count(*) from loc_slot where section = 151
(note down value. This is the number of devices in section 151 after the update)
7) Display previous count of devices in sections 100 and 151
select pick_lights from loc_section where section in ("100", "151");
(this is the count of lights prior to the update)
8) Update count of devices for section 100
update loc_section set pick_lights = [step 5 value] where section = 100;
9) Update count of devices for section 151
update loc_section set pick_lights = [step 6 value] where section = 151;
10) restart application