What is the process that site must perform in order to remove one of their sorter slats / flights from the rest of the sorter?
- Intelligrated HS / MS Sliding Shoe Sorter
The following process is detailed in the 'IntelliSort HS MS Maintenance Manual' that should have been provided to each site with these sorters, and this manual should also be present in Dashboard's Project Files directory for each of these sites. This process is labor-intensive, and may require more than one person to perform. Incorrectly performing the following procedure may lead to damage to the sorter and its components, and should be performed by knowledgeable personnel.
1. Remove the chain cover from the section(s) where you plan to remove the flight. Using screwdrivers or pry bars, lift the chain up and away from the flights. This will allow the chain pins to pull out of the flights. Grasp the flight to be removed and pull it toward you, taking care not to let it fall into the sorter frame.
2. Insert the replacement flight onto the chain pins on the far side of the conveyor. (Make sure the sliding shoe faces the same direction as the other flights.) Use the slots in the flight end caps to guide the other end of the flight onto the chain pins.
3. Use screwdriver or pry bar to re-seat the chain in its resting position.