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How to:
How to retrieve MC4 trace files from a Gateway server? How to visualize MC4 trace files not found on the Intelligrated Trace folder?
Skill required to complete this article: Controls and level is Novice.

In some occasions, we might not found available the MC4 kernel/daemon log files directly from the Intelligrated Trace folder on a Gateway server. To visualize them, we need to retrieve them directly from the controller using FileZilla.

-Example of a Trace folder without the kernel log files available:

To retrieve a file, follow the next steps:


1.Open Filezilla locally

2. Log in using the controller IP as Host and the QNX credentials for Username and Password

3. Follow the path /usr/mc4/CP #/trace

4.  Select the file and transfer it. To visualize it open the file using Notepad.

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 Article Info
 Article ID:  KB-12459
 Published on  7/8/2024
 Last Modified on  7/8/2024
 Last Modified by  Luis Cuenca
 Original URL:
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