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How to:
ICW Reports
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How to pull reports in ICW Client?



ICW Client

Machine Control



A report is a specific form of writing that is organized around concisely identifying and examining issues, events, or findings that have happened in a physical sense, such as events that have occurred within a system, or findings from a research investigation.

Open ICW Client and navigate to the Tab ICW Reports as shown below



Now, select the report which you would like to pull from the Database. In this case, I will be generating a report from Command Center. You will be taken to the second page where you can choose from different areas of the system. 


 Lets select Scanners to pull the report. Choose Scanner Statistics


A pop up window will appear. Here you can select the desired date and time, scanner type and interval. Once you set the proper options, hit View report to review the data.


The reports can also be exported to a local computer using the save option



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 Article Info
 Article ID:  KB-10999
 Published on  11/20/2020
 Last Modified on  11/20/2020
 Last Modified by  Omer Mohammed
 Original URL:
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