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How to clear tracking jams in ICW
Skill required to complete this article: Software ~ ICW 1 and level is Beginner.


Site had multiple power outages and when they finally established power to the site, they had a spiral tracking jam on EE625B that prevented drive DR626 from running in remote.

Site confirmed they could run in local mode and that's how they ran product for hours prior to calling technical support.

Intelligrated engineers verified photoeyes were cycling in ICW.


Engineers restarted ICW services to clear the tracking jams and DR626 was able to run in remote and site was back to operations as they were prior to the power outages.

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 Article Info
 Article ID:  KB-11294
 Published on  8/21/2022
 Last Modified on  8/21/2022
 Last Modified by  Joe Lowry
 Original URL:
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