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How to:
Change I-Watch Settings in BOSS
Skill required to complete this article: Maintenance and level is Beginner.

In order to change the I-Watch settings, open up the I-Watch Chain Care tab in the BOSS HMI

The upper right side of the I-Watch screen displays oiler settings for each oiling mode. Selecting the tab for an oiling mode will display the settings for that mode. The four oiling modes are as follows:

• Standard Oiling

• Commissioning Mode

• Corrective Oiling

• Over Oiling Mode

Both sorter chains are automatically oiled based on the oiler settings for the current oiling mode. The Corrective Oiling and Over Oiling Mode are used in conjunction with the Corrective Oiling Mode. BOSS will automatically determine which chain is currently experiencing more sag, and it will apply the Over Oiling Mode to the lower chain, while applying the Corrective Oiling Mode to the higher chain in order to correct a Chain Delta. The length of each oiling cycle is dictated by the Revolutions On and Revolutions Off settings.

The oiler settings are defined as follows:


 Field Description
  Revolutions Off (Revolutions)   The number of revolutions that the oiler remains off before the next active oiling cycle begins after an active oiling cycle completes.
 Revolutions On (Revolutions)   The number of revolutions that the oiler will remain on during an active oiling cycle. 
 Ratcheting Offset (Shoes)   The number of shoes that a subsequent oiling cycle will delay before starting active oiling. For instance, the oiler applies oil to the chain for two full revolutions. After the two revolutions are complete, the oiler turns off for the next one hundred revolutions. At the end of the one hundred revolutions, the oiler will wait for an additional number of shoes (100 as shown) before beginning the next oiling cycle. This is to ensure the oil is distributed more consistently along the entire chain over the course of time. 
 Normal Oil Duration (Milliseconds)   The period of time from the start of an oiling pulse (i.e., signal to turn the oil solenoid ON) to the start of the next oiling pulse (i.e., signal to turn the oil solenoid ON again) during an active oiling cycle. 
 Priming Oil Duration (Milliseconds)   The period of time from the start of an oiling pulse (i.e., signal to turn the oil solenoid ON) to the start of the next oiling pulse (i.e., signal to turn the oil solenoid ON again) during priming. At the beginning of each active oiling cycle, the oiler goes through a short priming cycle to ensure that the proper oil pressure is achieved.  
 Extra Air Duration (Shoes)   The number of shoes that need to pass after the active oiling cycle before air will be turned off to the oiler. 
 Max Priming Pulses (Pulses)   The number of priming pulses at the beginning of the active oiling cycle. 
 Active Oil Pressure (PSI)   The oil pressure threshold during an active oiling cycle. 
 Pulse Duration (Milliseconds)   The period of time, in milliseconds, that the chain oiler solenoid is activated for each oiling cycle (i.e., width of the pulse). This value should match the amount of time the manufacturer of the oiler recommends to create one valid oil pulse. 

In order to change these settings, simply click on the cell in the "New Value" column and input your desired number.  You may change as many cells at once as necessary but changes must be saved before switching to a different tab. Values that fall outside of the Minimum and Maximum will default to those numbers respectively for your system. Set Min and Max values can vary from site to site. 

Once you have made all necessary changes, click the "Save" button below. The numbers in the "New Values" Column should move to the "Value" column, indicating that the changes were made successfully. 

The lower right side of the I-Watch screen contains notification settings for the oil level and chain sag. The Alarm Levels tab displays the tolerance ranges for the oil level and the chain sag. The Shutdown Levels tab indicates when the item being monitored has moved too far out of the tolerance range causing the sorter to shutdown.

The Alarm Levels tab displays the tolerance ranges for the oil level and the chain sag.

When any of the limits are reached or exceeded, a notification will be displayed in the BOSS interface. The notifications are displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the screen. The notification settings are defined as follows:

 Field Description
 Oil Level Alarm (Ounces)   The level of the oil in the reservoir, in ounces, that will trigger an oil level alarm. When this alarm is triggered, the oil level should be checked immediately and filled as soon as possible. 
 Oil Level Warning (Ounces)   The level of the oil in the reservoir, in ounces, that will trigger an oil level warning. When this warning is triggered, the oil level should be checked at the earliest convenient time. 
 Chain Sag Lower Limits 
 During Acceleration (Inches)   The amount of chain sag that will trigger a chain level alarm during acceleration. The chain sag is measured, in inches, in the catenary window. When this alarm is triggered, the chain level should be checked immediately. This condition typically indicates that the sorter chain is too low in the catenary and a slat might need to be removed from the sorter in the near future. 
 During Deceleration (Inches)   The amount of chain sag that will trigger a chain level alarm during deceleration. The chain sag is measured, in inches, in the catenary window. When this alarm is triggered, the chain level should be checked immediately. This condition typically indicates that the sorter chain is too low in the catenary and a slat might need to be removed from the sorter in the near future. 
 At Speed (Inches)   The amount of chain sag that will trigger a chain level alarm during normal running speed. The chain sag is measured, in inches, in the catenary window. When this alarm is triggered, the chain level should be checked immediately. This condition typically indicates that the sorter chain is too low in the catenary and a slat might need to be removed from the sorter in the near future. 
 Chain Sag Upper Limits 
 During Acceleration (Inches)   The upper position of the chain that will trigger a chain level alarm during acceleration. The chain position is measured, in inches, in the catenary window. When this alarm is triggered, the chain level should be checked immediately. This condition typically indicates that the sorter chain is too high in the catenary and a slat might need to be added to the sorter. 
 During Deceleration (Inches)   The upper position of the chain that will trigger a chain level alarm during deceleration. The chain position is measured, in inches, in the catenary window. When this alarm is triggered, the chain level should be checked immediately. This condition typically indicates that the sorter chain is too high in the catenary and a slat might need to be added to the sorter. 
 At Speed (Inches)   The upper position of the chain that will trigger a chain level alarm during normal running speed. The chain position is measured, in inches, in the catenary window. When this alarm is triggered, the chain level should be checked immediately. This condition typically indicates that the sorter chain is too high in the catenary and a slat might need to be added to the sorter. 


The Shutdown Levels tab indicates when the item being monitored has moved too far out of the tolerance range causing the sorter to shutdown.

When any of the limits are reached or exceeded, the sorter will shut down. The notification settings are defined as follows:

 Field Description
 Chain Sag Lower Limits 
 During Acceleration (Inches)   The amount of chain sag that will trigger a chain level shutdown during acceleration. The chain sag is measured, in inches, in the catenary window. When a shutdown is triggered, the chain level should be checked immediately. This condition typically indicates that the sorter chain is too low in the catenary and a slat might need to be removed from the sorter to avoid sorter damage. The sorter will not run when the chain is below the shutdown level. 
 During Deceleration (Inches)  The amount of chain sag that will trigger a chain level shutdown during deceleration. The chain sag is measured, in inches, in the catenary window. When a shutdown is triggered, the chain level should be checked immediately. This condition typically indicates that the sorter chain is too low in the catenary and a slat might need to be removed from the sorter to avoid sorter damage. The sorter will not run when the chain is below the shutdown level. 
 At Speed (Inches)  The amount of chain sag that will trigger a chain level shutdown during normal running speed. The chain sag is measured, in inches, in the catenary window. When a shutdown is triggered, the chain level should be checked immediately. This condition typically indicates that the sorter chain is too low in the catenary and a slat might need to be removed from the sorter to avoid sorter damage 
 Chain Sag Upper Limits 
 During Acceleration (Inches)   The upper position of the chain that will trigger a chain level shutdown during acceleration. The chain position is measured, in inches, in the catenary window. When shutdown is triggered, the chain level should be checked immediately. This condition typically indicates that the sorter chain is too high in the catenary and a slat might need to be added to the sorter to avoid sorter damage. The sorter will not run when the chain is above the shutdown level. 
 During Deceleration (Inches)  The upper position of the chain that will trigger a chain level shutdown during deceleration. The chain position is measured, in inches, in the catenary window. When a shutdown is triggered, the chain level should be checked immediately. This condition typically indicates that the sorter chain is too high in the catenary and a slat might need to be added to the sorter to avoid sorter damage. The sorter will not run when the chain is above the shutdown level. 
 At Speed (Inches)  The upper position of the chain that will trigger a chain level shutdown during normal running speed. The chain position is measured, in inches, in the catenary window. When a shutdown is triggered, the chain level should be checked immediately. This condition typically indicates that the sorter chain is too high in the catenary and a slat might need to be added to the sorter to avoid sorter damage. The sorter will not run when the chain is above the shutdown level. 

In order to change these settings, simply click on the cell in the "New Value" column and input your desired number.  You may change as many cells at once as necessary but changes must be saved before switching to a different tab. Values that fall outside of the Minimum and Maximum will default to those numbers respectively for your system. Set Min and Max values can vary from site to site. 

Once you have made all necessary changes, click the "Save" button below. The numbers in the "New Values" Column should move to the "Value" column, indicating that the changes were made successfully. 



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 Article Info
 Article ID:  KB-11038
 Published on  3/9/2021
 Last Modified on  4/20/2021
 Last Modified by  Dominick Bellofatto
 Original URL:
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